Collaborative Federal and Industry Awarded Funding
Note: The following is the list of external funding Dr. Amsaad received during his time at Wright State University (2022-2024).
- Title: Assured Digital Microelectronics Education & Training Ecosystem (ADMETE)
- My Role: Lead PI since Fall 2022
- Award Type: Federal Cooperative Agreement
- Awarding Agency: Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Status: Funded
- Award Amount Including All Partners: $29.75M
- Funding Received: $14.5M
- Fund Allocated for Wright State only: $6.9M
- Partner Institutions: University of Akron (UA), Youngstown State University (YSU), Ohio
University (OU), the University of Toledo (UT), and Lorain County Community College (LCCC)
- Date: 09/2020 – 12/2024
- (Link:)
- Title: National Pathway to Success (NPS) Cybersecurity Program
- My Role: Lead PI
- Award Type: Standard Collaborative Educational Grant
- Sponsor: National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C)
- Awarding Agency: National Security Agency (NSA)
- Status: Funded
- Award Amount Including All Partners: $704K
- Funding Received: $704K
- Fund Allocated for Wright State only: $520K
- Partner Institutions: Kansas University (KU), Eastern Michigan University (EMU), Sacred
Heart University (SHU), Florida International University (FIU), the University of Texas El Paso (UTEP), and Sinclair Community College (SCC)
- Date: 06/2023 – 06/2025 (potential extension for third year with $332K, Totaling it to $36M)
- (Link:)
- Title: Collaborative Research: REU Site: TRUST: Training Research for Undergraduate
Students in Secure and Trusted Systems
- My Role: Lead PI
- Award Type: Standard Collaborative Research Grant
- Partner Institutions: Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) and University of Kansas Center for Research (KUCR)
- Awarding Agencies: Cofounded by National Science Foundation (NSF) and Department of Defense (DOD/AFOSR STEM ASSURE Program)
- Status: Funded
- Award Amount Including All Partners: $367K
- Fund Allocated for Wright State only: $166K
- Date: 01/2025 – 12/2027
- (Link:)
- Title: Runtime Hardware Trojan Resilience Monitoring
- My Role: WSU PI
- Co-PI: Saiyu Ren, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Wright State University
- Lead PI: John Emmert, University of Cincinnati (UC)
- Award Type: Subcontract
- Sponsor: NSF Center for Hardware and Embedded System Security and Trust at the University of Cincinnati (UC)
- Sponsor Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Status: Funded
- Award Amount: $100K
- Funding Received: $100K
- Date: 09/2023 – 12/2024
- (Link:)
- Title: Semiconductor Education Program at Central State University (ISEP-CSU)
- My Role: PI starting in 2024
- Project Lead: Subhashini Ganapathy, Dean of Graduate Programs & Honors Studies, Wright State University
- Award Type: Subcontract
- Sponsor: Central State University (CSU)
- Primary Sponsor: Intel Corporation
- Status: Funded
- Award Amount Including All Partners: $1.2M
- Fund Allocated for Wright State only: $40K first year (Y1) and $130K second year (Y2)
- Date: 01/2023 – 01/2026
- (Links:)
- Title: The Ohio-southwest Alliance on Semiconductors and Integrated Scalable
Manufacturing (OASiS)
- My Role: Co-PI
- Project Lead: Subhashini Ganapathy, Dean of Graduate Programs & Honors Studies, Wright State University
- Award Type: Subcontract
- Sponsor: Central State University (CSU)
- Primary Sponsor: Intel Corporation
- Status: Funded
- Award Amount Including All Partners: $3M; for three years
- Fund Allocated for Wright State only: $220K
- My Share: $12K (Y1), $12K (Y2) to support a graduate student
- (Link:)
- Title: ML-assisted Approach for Human Machine Teaming in Multi-Agent Reinforcement
- My Role: Sole PI
- Award Type: Student-Faculty Research Fellowship Award
- Sponsor: Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) within Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODOH)
- Co-Sponsor/Administrator: Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)
- Date: 08/28/2023 – 08/27/2025
- Total Cost: $88,260 for two years to support the project.
- (Link:)
- Title: AI-Enhanced Approach for Improved Human Decision-Making using Feature Fusion in Space Data
- My Role: Sole PI
- Award Type: Student-Faculty Research Fellowship Award
- Sponsor: Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) within Department of Higher Education (ODOH)
- Co-Sponsor/Administrator: Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)
- Start Date: 08/28/2024
- End Date: 08/27/2026 (Potential of two more years extension to support the PhD student)
- Total Cost: $50K for first year to support the project.
- Note: Potential extensions: expected three funds with extra $50K fund for every year, making the total expected funding $150K
- (Link:)
- Title: Time: Trustworthy AI in Machine Learning Environment
- My Role: Sole PI
- Award Type: Subcontract
- Sponsor: InfoSciTex Company (IST)
- Primary Sponsor: AFRL/AFOSR
- Amount: $80K
- Project Period: 1 year (potential of more funding for more years)
- Start Date: 05/2024
- End Date: 05/2025
- Title: Development of CyberTraining Program in AI Microelectronics Security
- My Role: WSU PI
- Award Type: Subaward
- Sponsor: Purdue Northwest University (PNU) – Center for Cybersecurity
- Primary Sponsor: National Security Agency (NSA)
- Lead PI: Michael Tu, Director, The Center for Cybersecurity, PNU
- Expected Start Date: 08/2024
- Expected End Date: 06/2025
- Amount: $25K
Internal and Research Award Funding
- Title: AI-assisted Approach for the Detection of IC Hardware Trojan
- My Role: Awardee
- Award Type: Fellowship Research Award
- Award Description: 2023 U.S. Department of the Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (2023 SFFP Awardees)
- Sponsor: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
- Status: Funded
- Award Amount: $13K
- Date: 2023
- Link:
- Title: Securing Current and Next-Generation Smart Power Grid Infrastructure against
Hardware-based Remote Access Trojans (RATs)
- My Role: PI
- Award Type: 2022 Summer Research Awards
- Awarding Institution: Eastern Michigan University
- Status: Funded
- Award Amount: $12K
- Date: Summer 2022
- Link:
- Title: A Novel Security Approach for the Detection of the Embedded Hardware Trojans
- Award Type: 2020 Faculty Research Fellowship (FRF)
- Description: 2021-22 Faculty Research and Creative Activity Fellowships
- Awarding Institution: Eastern Michigan University
- Status: Funded
- Benefit: 4 Course Releases ( approximately 32K)
- Date: 2021
- Link:
- Title: A Trusted Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) with Built-in Hardware Oriented
- Award Type: 2020 CoRE Program
- Description: Culture of Research Excellence (CoRE) Grant Writing Program
- Awarding Institution: Eastern Michigan University
- Status: Funded
- Benefit: 2 Course Releases
- Date: 2019-2020
- Links:
- Title: Strengthening Autonomous Vehicles Cybersecurity with Hardware-Based Biometrics
- Award Type: Faculty First Research Award
- Awarding Organization: GameAbove organization as part of $2 Million Award
- Awarding Institution: Eastern Michigan University
- Status: Funded
- Total Award: $50,112
- My share: $5K
- Date: April 2020 Links: